Our new 5-jaw chuck!
If you’re changing diameters frequently, have odd sizes, or need to clamp beyond a feature larger than the main shank, the GDS SHARK might be your answer:
- Automatically clamps any diameter without a collet or intermediate sleeve
- Covers 3-20 mm (⅛-¾”)
- Another version covers 1-16 mm (0.04-⅝”)
- Runout under 5 µm (2 tenths), even with diameter changes!
- Fits any common tool grinder. Current models cover the ANCA MX, FX, and TX machines, WALTER tool grinders with the SK50 workhead (Helitronic Vision, Power, Raptor, etc), plus Haas, Joerg, Reinecker, Saacke, Schneeberger, Schütte, Star, and Vollmer machines. Adapters for other tool grinders on request.
- Cuts your setup costs by up to 70% versus other clamping devices
- Suitable for manufacturing and regrinding
- No special tools required
- Minimum clamping depth 2.5 x D, maximum depth 100 mm
- Attractively priced ~$10,000!
Setting the diameter range is easy

µGrind automatic “super chuck”
World's best tool grinding chuck. Period.

Hornet HPS automatic chuck
World's second best tool grinding chuck. 😉

Viper automatic chuck
Fantastic accuracy with a wider diameter range

Alligator automatic hydraulic chuck
High precision option for a variety of machines

Cobra 2-part automatic chuck
Economical solution for Schaublin or Nann collets

SHARK 5-jaw chuck
Clamps 3-20 mm without collets

xGrind manual chuck
High-precision hydraulic and HPS collet chucks

Clamp Stick expanding mandrel
For clamping tools with an internal bore