Tool inspection & automated process control
ZOLLER »genius 3« and »titan« CNC machines offer complete, non-contact tool inspection with the accuracy and repeatability required for today’s most demanding applications. For a more economical approach, the »smile« and »venturion« “pre-setters” can be configured for a variety of tool measuring applications. ZOLLER also makes it easy to integrate measuring with your grinder. And if you’re an ANCA iGrind or NUMROTO customer, the interface can automatically correct tool features that are out of tolerance.
- ZOLLER’s »pilot 4.0« image processing and »elephant« software technology measures ground tools automatically, with minimal programming
- Results are user-independent, accurate and repeatable within a few microns (depending on model)
- Fully automatic edge determination
- A virtually limitless list of measurable features, covering the OD, end-face, and flute. That includes rake angles, step angles, helices, lengths, chamfer widths, diameters, contours, radii, wear, and many more
- Scan the flute face contour without contact and generate a graphical display
- Measure k-lands and hones with high accuracy
- Compare measured contours to the nominal DXF and display with a variable tolerance band
- Automatically generate a corrected profile grinding program for ANCA iGrind and NUMROTO
- Check round tool features like OD, rake angle, and helix and automatically create a corrected grinding program for ANCA iGrind
- ANCA iGrind users can also generate a fully automated ZOLLER »genius 3« measuring program with output from their grinding program
- Automatically generate a tool drawing from the actual measured data of the tool
- Easy data export to a customizable printed report, pdf, or database
- Image archiving and software zoom
- Automatic concentricity and wobble (axial runout) compensation
- 24″ touch screen monitor, plus mouse and full keyboard interface
- Heidenhain glass scales in the linear axes
- THK linear guideways
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+1 (540) 940-5977
Hours: M-F, 8:00 AM-5:00 PM Eastern Time (US)