A better approach to ANCA FX coolant delivery

Unlike the MX machine (for which we’ve redesigned the entire manifold to improve coolant delivery), our easy solution for the FX machine replaces standard copper pipes with far superior Grind-Loc nozzles. These nozzles deliver a coherent coolant jet that breaks the air barrier around the wheel at roughly half the pressure of other systems. That cuts your required coolant capacity by up to 50%!

  • Consume far fewer grinding wheels per year
  • Faster grinds for higher output
  • Improved surface finish and reduced thermal damage in the final surface
  • Greater dressing wheel life and less time lost due to dressing
  • A harder grade wheel will hold form without burning the part

Get cool!

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    +1 (540) 940-5977
    Hours: M-F, 8:00 AM-5:00 PM Eastern Time (US)

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